Safe Spaces

    A Note About Safe Spaces

    Success of this strategy will depend on collaborating and communicating together in an authentic way by having courageous conversations, sharing experiences, and bringing our own perspectives and opinions to the table. We are all responsible for creating safe spaces for these conversations. We can do this by:

    • actively listening with full attention
    • allowing people to take their time and complete their full thoughts
    • understanding that we come with our own perspectives and experiences
    • committing to learning and understanding vs debating

    We acknowledge that conversations about Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice can bring up a lot of different feelings. We'll try to hold space for these, but remind us all to continue to treat one another with respect and dignity. 

    We're here if you need to ask questions or debrief, but there are also professional supports available. See the section on 'Supports' at the side for more information.