Glossary of Terms

    This glossary will be updated as needed. Don't see a term you're unfamiliar with? Contact Amrit or Rebecca and we can add it in.

    Diversity: At an individual level, diversity describes the unique qualities, experiences, and characteristics we all have. In our workforce, diversity refers to having a range of perspectives, experiences, talents, skills, and abilities. It can also refer to the demographic mix of people, including characteristics like ethnicity, race, culture, place of origin, geographic location, religion, spirituality, immigrant and newcomer status, education, economic status or social class, disability status, income, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, and so on. 

    Equity: Is about fairness. It is about recognizing that some people have been marginalized or left out, understanding how and why, and taking actions to address these differences in opportunities. Equity is not about treating everyone the same (that's equality). An equitable approach recognizes that we need to treat people differently to achieve the same outcome. In other words, it is about recognizing that people have different experiences, opportunities and advantages or disadvantages, based on their various social identities - and ensuring our polices, processes, programs and decision reflect these differences in opportunities.Three images show similar picture. Three people are trying to see a soccer match over a fence. The first person is able to see over the fence without help. The second is not able to see over the fence because of their height, and the third cannot see over the fence because they are in a wheelchair. In the first image, showing equality, everyone is given a square box to help them see over the fence. The first person is now much higher than the fence. The second person can barely see over the fence. The third person is not able to use the box. In the second image, showing equity, people are given supports needed rather than treated the same. The first person does not need a box, as they can see over the fence without it. The second person has two boxes to help them see the match. The third person, has a ramp, which enables them to see the soccer match. The third picture shows justice. The fence (or the barrier) is removed entirely so that everyone can see the soccer match. 

    Equity-deserving groups: Communities that identify barriers to access, opportunities, and resources due to disadvantage and discrimination, and actively seek social justice and reparation. This marginalization could be created by attitudinal, historic, social, and environmental barriers based on characteristics that are not limited to sex, age, ethnicity, disability, economic status, gender identity, nationality, race, sexual orientation, and creed.

    Inclusion:  In inclusive environments, everyone is treated fairly, valued for who they are, and have opportunities to participate, contribute, and be engaged. Everyone is able to authentically be themselves at all levels of the organization and in our services. 

    Inequities: Situations that are not fair or natural and result in some groups of people not having the same access to opportunities, resources, and power as others.

    Intersectionality: We have many overlapping dimensions to our identities (i.e. gender identity, sexual orientation, race, culture, class, ability, age, religion, spirituality, immigration status, Indigenous status, etc.). There are connected systems that advantage or benefit some identities or groups of people over others (i.e. sexism, racism, colonialism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia). These systems are lived out through laws, policies, organizations, institutions, and media (systemic oppression) and create patterns of inequities that are not natural or fair. 

    The overlapping dimensions of our identities and systems of advantage or disadvantage intersect and shape our lived experiences in our world. Intersectionality helps us understand the complex web in which social identities, systemic oppression, and social inequities can exist. Thinking of inequities as a web can helps us remember that all forms of oppression are mutually reinforcing – we cannot attend to one form of oppression without acknowledging how it is connected to others. 

    For more information, see the 'Intersectionality' section under Important Documents on our main page.

    Justice: As the DEIJ team have conversations with colleagues and community partners and review best practices, the team is working to actively integrate what they hear and learn. Adopting the term justice is one example, and it has many meanings. First, our work to create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization can be described as justice – a just and fair organization gives everyone opportunities to authentically be themselves, to contribute, and to thrive. The DEIJ team also uses the term justice to describe the work of naming and addressing the root causes of differences in opportunities people experience based on their identities. For example, racism, homophobia, sexism, xenophobia, etc. all impact people’s opportunities for quality, education, income, housing, health, and wellbeing. Addressing the root causes of differences in opportunities is a form of justice. And, last but not least, Indigenous partners have asked us to consider what actions we can take to create pathways to justice for Urban Indigenous peoples and First Nations, or how we can move towards reconciliation.