How long is the boil water advisory going to last?

    We don’t know for sure. Chatham-Kent Public Utilities Commission (PUC) is working closely with CK Public Health, Windsor-Essex County Health Unit and the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks to resolve the Boil Water Advisory. System changes are being implemented to ensure that the supply of water is sustainable. Once system reliability can be confirmed, water testing will determine when the advisory can be lifted.

    Will the boil water advisory last until the Wheatley Water Treatment Plan is back in service?

    No. Although the Water Treatment Plant will be out of service for the foreseeable future, this does not mean that the Boil Water Advisory will be active for that amount of time as well. Chatham-Kent PUC is setting up interconnections with other water supplies, and once the supply is stabilized, the water can be tested with accurate and repeatable results.

    Is there a number to call to see if the boil water advisory is still active?

    Yes. The water advisory update line (519-436-3250) is available 24/7 and will provide the current status of the boil water advisory. This line will be updated should the advisory status change.