Work on Wheatley Properties Under Way

The clean-up and restoration of utilities to properties formerly in the evacuation zone in Wheatley continues this week.

As of this morning, 14 customers have had their electricity restored and ten have had their water turned on. Three dumpsters have been placed outside the evacuation zone for the convenience of residents. At this time, residents are not being billed for water usage.

Portable washroom facilities have been made available for residents who are working on their properties but haven't had water restored.

Earlier this month, the evacuation zone was reduced. A map of the new zone can be found on Let's Talk Chatham-Kent/Wheatley-Updates.

Chatham-Kent Public Works Director Ryan Brown said officials are examining data from two incidents last week involving the release of a low level of combustible gas.

There was a release of gas Friday morning and a second release Friday night that lasted until Saturday morning. In both cases, the systems, procedures and venting stack worked according to design.

The last release at APEC 1 happened in November of 2021.

Brown said the incidents demonstrated the effectiveness of safety procedures in place and served as a reminder that the situation is not yet fully resolved.

Chatham-Kent Fire Chief Chris Case said Fire and Emergency Services provided additional resources and air monitoring around the perimeter of the evacuation zone to ensure safety.

"There are valid reasons why we have been on site non-stop since gas was detected last June," he said. "Although there was no threat to public safety on the weekend, we cannot let our guard down. We will remain in place until such time as the situation is resolved."

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