Chatham-Kent's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice Strategy
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice in the Municipality of Chatham-Kent
This Website shares information about the Municipality of Chatham-Kent's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) Strategy.
- Visit the Frequently Asked Question section to learn how to use this site.
- Unsure of what something means? Visit the Glossary section to learn more.
- Sign up for updates in the Sign Up for Notifications section.
- Read about local DEIJ related news and events in the DEIJ News Section.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Calendar
Click on the images below to view an electronic calendar of important days in February 2025. Click on the text to open a link to learn more.
Use this calendar to learn about days that are important to communities in Chatham-Kent. Outside of the days listed on the calendar, people may have regular prayer, reflection, or fasting practices.
Information about community events honouring days of significance and learning opportunities can be found in the DEIJ News section of this website.
Please contact us if there are errors or days missing.
If you are printing the calendar, please use Legal size paper.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice in the Municipality of Chatham-Kent
This Website shares information about the Municipality of Chatham-Kent's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) Strategy.
- Visit the Frequently Asked Question section to learn how to use this site.
- Unsure of what something means? Visit the Glossary section to learn more.
- Sign up for updates in the Sign Up for Notifications section.
- Read about local DEIJ related news and events in the DEIJ News Section.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Calendar
Click on the images below to view an electronic calendar of important days in February 2025. Click on the text to open a link to learn more.
Use this calendar to learn about days that are important to communities in Chatham-Kent. Outside of the days listed on the calendar, people may have regular prayer, reflection, or fasting practices.
Information about community events honouring days of significance and learning opportunities can be found in the DEIJ News section of this website.
Please contact us if there are errors or days missing.
If you are printing the calendar, please use Legal size paper.
Events for White Cane Week (Feb 4-10)
The Chatham-Kent Chapter of the Canadian Council of the Blind is holding events in honour of White Cane Week.
The group will have events at the Downtown Chatham Centre on February 5th from 10:00 to 11:00 A.M. and 2:00 to 3:00 P.M. and on February 10th starting at 1:00 P.M. During these times they will have an obstacle course set up to help people experience what it might be like to navigate spaces with visual loss.
They will also be out on February 7th to raise awareness starting at Walmart at 10:00 A.M., PetSmart at 11:30 A.M., and Superstore at 1:00 P.M.
The goal of the events is to raise awareness about vision loss, demonstrate the abilities of people with vision loss, and let people know that support is available for people.
CCB-CK is an official chapter of the CANADIAN COUNCIL OF THE BLIND ( Based in Chatham-Kent Ontario, Canada, it is a group of blind and visually impaired persons, who look to gather in a POSITIVE, SAFE, WELCOMING, JUDGEMENT FREE, FORWARD THINKING environment, in order to enhance each and every participants life. How do we do this you may ask? Simple, by looking at each individual as a PERSON first and foremost, before we label their visual impairment, allows us to see the possibilities i n life through the perspective of everyday public figures. By focusing on positive, practive knowledge sharing, judgment free sharing spaces and a general "Can Do" attitude, the CCB-CK group looks to eliminate the stigma and accompanying social, mental burdons that go along with being a blind or visually impaired person. The group comes together to share ideas around accessible sports and recreation (the Trust Your Buddy Program), accessible technology (Getting together with Technology) as we as removing common barriers, social stigmas, and perceptions that blind people "can't" do things. CCB-CK is a group of positive, intelligent, talented, kind persons, who just happen to not see the world (literally) as well as others. Beyond that, anything is truly possible. Our Mission Statement Providing support, information and social activities for all our members CCB Chatham Kent
Black History Month 2024 in Chatham-Kent
February is Black History Month, a month dedicated to honouring and celebrating the accomplishments of Canadians of African descent.
This month and all year long, we encourage you to learn about Black communities and community members who have helped shape what Chatham-Kent is today.
See below for some of the events taking place across Chatham-Kent throughout the month. Feel free to share with colleagues and community.
We would like to thank the Buxton National Historic Site & Museum, Chatham-Kent Black Historical Society and Black Mecca Museum, Josiah Henson Museum of African-Canadian History, and our colleagues across the Municipality of Chatham-Kent for their partnerships and continued work to preserve and share our local and national history.
Why do we Honour Black History Month?
Black History has largely been excluded from mainstream recounting of Canadian history. That means the contributions of Black community members have often been excluded, even though they are important parts of our shared history. For example, many people don't know that soldiers of African descent made sacrifices in wartimes and actually had to advocate to be able to fight for their Country. Or, that African people were enslaved in Canada, in addition to the United States of America. Because of this exclusion of Black stories and contributions, having a dedicated month helps ensure that these stories are told. And, it helps to highlight the continued struggles for liberation, equity, and justice.
How was Black History Month Established?
In Canada, Black History Month was first proclaimed in 1978 by the City of Toronto as a result of advocacy by the Ontario Black History Society (OBHS), including Dr. Daniel G. Hill and Wilson O. Brooks.
In 1993, the OBHS successfully filed a petition in Ontario to proclaim February as Black History Month. Following that success, Rosemary Sadlier, president of the OBHS, introduced the idea of having Black History Month recognized across Canada to the Honourable Jean Augustine, the first Black Canadian woman elected to Parliament.
In December 1995, the House of Commons officially recognized February as Black History Month in Canada following a motion introduced by Dr. Augustine. The House of Commons carried the motion unanimously.
In February 2008, Senator Donald Oliver, the first Black man appointed to the Senate, introduced the Motion to Recognize Contributions of Black Canadians and February as Black History Month. It received unanimous approval and was adopted on March 4, 2008. The adoption of this motion completed Canada’s parliamentary position on Black History Month.
What is Happening to Honour Black History Month in Chatham-Kent?
Thursday, February 1, 12:00PM
Black History Month Flag Raising, 315 King St W, Chatham (Civic Centre)
Bundle up and show your support for the kick-off of Black History Month in Chatham-Kent!
Join the Buxton National Historic Site & Museum, the Chatham-Kent Black Historical Society & Black Mecca Museum, and the Josiah Henson Museum of African-Canadian History to honour the start of Black History Month and learn about what is happening in Chatham-Kent throughout the month.
Thursday, February 8, 10:00AM – 11:00AM
Buxton Museum Storytime, Chatham-Kent Public Library, Chatham Branch
Join us for a special story time celebrating Black History Month with special guests from the Buxton National Historic Site & Museum. Best suited for children 5 and younger. Drop-in.
Saturday, February 10, 6:00PM – 1:00AM (cost to attend)
Chatham-Kent Black Excellence Awards, Retro Suites Hotel
This inaugural event to recognize the outstanding accomplishment of local Black community members and celebrate Black cultures, and community advocates. Attendees from all cultures are welcome.
Learn more and purchase tickets through EventBrite.
Thursday, February 22, 6:30PM – 7:15PM
Twilight Tails, Chatham-Kent Public Library, Dresden Branch
February is Black History Month, and we have all kinds of treasures to help celebrate. Play the jumbo Match-Up of famous athletes, entertainers, and inventors. Registration is not necessary.
Tuesday, February 27, 6:00PM
Trivia Night, Red Barn Brewing Co.
Join Red Barn Brewing and Buxton's Next Generation (BNG) for a fun night of trivia, including Black History Month questions. A portion of proceeds go to BNG.
Buy tickets from Red Barn Brewing company.
Wednesday, February 28, 2:00PM and 7:00PM
Screening of The Color Purple, Chatham Capitol Theatre
A story of love and resilience bast on the novel and Broadway musical. Rated PG-13. Admission $7 at the door. No registration required.
All Month-Long
Black History Month Quiz
Test your knowledge about Black History in Chatham-Kent and enter to win tickets to a screening of The Color Purple on February 28th!
Take the quiz here:
Thanks to our friends at Buxton National History Site & Museum, Chatham-Kent Black Historical Society & Black Mecca Museum, Josiah Henson Museum of African-Canadian History, Buxton's Next Generation, Chatham Capitol Theatre, and Living CK for this partnership!Buxton National Historic Site & Museum
Visit Ontario’s second largest national historic site, a tribute to the Elgin settlement virtually or in-person.
Chatham-Kent Black Historical Society and Black Mecca Museum
Learn about the Black community that settles along McGregor’s Creek in Chatham at the end of the 18th century to present day. Self-guided tours available.
Josiah Henson Museum of African-Canadian History
Site of the Dawn Settlement, built by Rev. Josiah Henson in 1841. In-person tours available for groups of 15 or more. Virtual tours also available.
Chatham-Kent Municipal Museums
Let Us March on till Victory is Won: The Struggle for Racial Equity in CK and Ontario
The exhibit traces the National Unity Association’s crusade for justice and determination to end practices of segregation in Chatham-Kent and Ontario. Visit the virtual exhibit or book the travelling exhibit to see it in-person.
Chatham-Kent Public Library
Read Black Voices, All Branches
Celebrate the diversity of Black experiences by reading books by Black authors and illustrators. Participants will earn a ballot when they borrow a book with the Black Voices bookmarks for a chance to win a prize pack.
Black History Month Quizzes, Tilbury Branch
Drop-in to the Tilbury Branch each week in February for a new quiz about notable Black figures and historic events.
Living CK
Stay tuned to the Living CK Facebook or Instagram channels for information about Black History Month in Chatham-Kent.
Thames Art Gallery
Visit their Facebook and Instagram pages to learn about Black artists with local ties throughout the month.
Feb 1: Black History Month Flag Raising
Thursday, February 1st, 12:00 - 12:30, 315 King Street West, Chatham (Chatham Civic Centre)
Join the Josiah Henson Museum of African-Canadian History, the Buxton National Historic Site & Museum, and the Chatham-Kent Black Historical Society & Black Mecca Museum to honour the start of Black History Month and learn about what is happening in Chatham-Kent throughout the month.
Stay tuned to the DEIJ website for details about events happening throughout February to honour Black History Month.
Feb 10: Black Excellence Awards and Gala
On February 10th, the first ever Black Excellent Awards and Fala will be held at Retro Suites in Chatham.
The event, held during Black History Month, will honour the outstanding accomplishments of Black community members and celebrate local Black communities.
Gala tickets are $100 each and can be purchased through Event Brite.
Nominations for the awards are open until January 10th and can be made through the Google Doc form.
January 9: Positively Black Resume and Interview Primer
Positively Black in Southwestern Ontario is hosting a virtual Resume and Interview Primer for High School students in Black communities on January 9th from 5-6PM.
Register using the QR code above.
Study Call-Out for Volunteers: Black-Identified Youth
The African Canadian Federation of London & Area is working with Western University to understand the experiences of young (13-25) Black community members in Southwestern Ontario. Scan the QR code below for more details.
Calling on the Black community to participate!
Positively Black in Southwestern Ontario. African Canadian Federation of London & Area and Western University.
Participant Criteria:
- Black-identified youth (ages 13-25)
- Black-identified community members
- Lives in Sarnia, London, Chatham-Kent, Elgin County or Windsor
- Participants will take part in an interview or focus group
- Participants will be compensated with a $20 gift card for participating.
Webinar: November 29 Peer-2-Peer Project
Join R.O.C.K. Missions at 12:00PM on November 29th for an amazing story of community impact.
Learn about how the Peer-2-Peer Project:
- built community capacity around peer engagement in harm reduction
- created lasting relationships with people who use substances experiencing homelessness
- improved health outcomes for those most affected by the drug poisoning crisis.
Register for this FREE webinar to learn about this journey on the National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health website.
Event: October 21 Chatham Islamic Centre Open House
Saturday, October 21st, 11-3. Visit the Chatham Islamic Centre at 310 McNaughton Ave West for an Open House. Learn more about your neighbours. Tour the Mosque, learn, and enjoy a light refreshment.
Open to everyone.
For more information, contact:
Brother Rizwan Khan 519-355-6866
Brother Naveed Iqbal 519-401-8778
Brother Rafi Veettil 519-401-3162
This drop-in is held during Canadian Islamic History Month. This year’s theme is Celebrating Muslim Women in the Arts & Sciences.
In the 2021 Census, 840 people in Chatham-Kent identified as Muslim.
Event: October 12 Twin Flames Performance
Indie-rock, synth-rock and folk-pop are just a few of the ways Twin Flames’ music has been described – their unique sound, which blends Indigenous Spirit flutes, traditional drums and western instruments, defies classification.
The husband and wife duo - Chelsey June, métis (Algonquin Cree heritage) from Ottawa, and Jaaji, Inuk and Mohawk from Nunavik and Kahnawake – has garnered more than 40 awards and nominations, include the Canadian Folk Music Award in 2022 for Vocal Group of the Year. Their stories and songs, which they perform in a mix of English, French, and Inuktitut, honour their ancestors and relay stories from coast to coast, and have placed them at the forefront of the Indigenous Music renaissance.
Tickets: $20-$35 + Handling Fees
Learn more and buy tickets at
Event: August 31 International Overdose Awareness Day
Chatham-Kent Drug Overdose Awareness Council invites you to join us at ROCK Missions locations for International Overdose Awareness Day.
Learn more about International Overdose Awareness Day on the official website or learn from the post we created on the Employee DEIJ Portal last year (note the events will have changed for this year).
Important Note
DEIJ Resources
Chatham-Kent HR Strategies 2023-2027 (DEIJ Strategy document) (9.64 MB) (pdf)
Reports to Council
February 7 2022: Report to Council #1
June 20 2022: Report to Council #2
September 25 2022: Report to Council #3
December 12 2022: Report to Council #4
March 27 2023: Report to Council #5 (272 KB) (pdf)
June 26 2023: Report to Council Update #6
June 26 2023: Report to Council Update # 6 Appendix
November 6 2023: Report to Council Update # 7
October 21 2024 - DEIJ Strategy Update 8 (305 KB) (pdf)
Days of Observance
Resources in Chatham-Kent
Data about our Community
Who's Listening
Coordinator, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice
Municipality of Chatham-Kent
Phone 519-360-1998 Email -
Chief Human Resource Officer & General Manager, Corporate Services
Municipality of Chatham-Kent
Phone 519-360-1998 Email
Hire DEI Coordinator & Intern
Chatham-Kent's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice Strategy has finished this stageFall 2021
Chatham-Kent's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice Strategy has finished this stageFall 2021 - Winter 2022
Review & summarize best practices & resources for developing DEIJ Strategy
Create framework for developing DEIJ Strategy
Chatham-Kent's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice Strategy has finished this stageWinter - Summer 2022
Gathering information to inform Strategy development
Share assessment findings
Chatham-Kent's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice Strategy has finished this stageFall 2022
Create the DEIJ Strategy
Chatham-Kent's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice Strategy has finished this stageWinter 2022-Winter 2023
Identify goals & how we'll achieve them
Develop implementation & evaluation plans
Share the Draft DEIJ Strategy
Chatham-Kent's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice Strategy has finished this stageWinter 2023
Begin to implement & monitor progress
Chatham-Kent's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice Strategy is currently at this stageSpring 2023